A popular method of reporting progress when using Agile Project Management is the use of burn-down charts.
Wikipedia defines a burn-down chart as:
“A burn down chart is a graphical representation of
In the post, PMO - the agile reporting challenge, I raised the problem a PMO faces when an organisation moves to agile, especially when there is a mix of waterfall
I would like to start by sharing a story about one of my hobbies, keeping marine tropical fish.
My wife and I had gone into a local pet store to collect
If you have been involved in project management or change delivery even for a short time, you will probably have heard the reference to “agile” and “scrum” in respect of
Having the right governance for your project can make the difference between success and failure. Learn about the 2 types of Project Governance Meetings every project needs....
It is important to ensure consistency withing your Project Milestones. This easy to follow guide will help you with your Project Milestone Levelling....