In the last post, Tips to keep your contract project resources happy, it covered the important, and often overlooked subject, of making sure you take care of the contract staff
In the blog post, "What is the number 1 PMO tool?", I covered why people are the most important PMO and project asset. The reason being that without people (resources),
So, if I was to ask you what is the number one, must have, PMO tool? What would your answer be?
Project templates?
MS Project / Clarity?
Project methodology?
Following on from the post that provided and introduction to the PMO Induction process. This post will build on this by going into more detail of what components should be
The last 5 posts covered the topic of Project Management Office (PMO) maturity. This mini series covered the required steps to set-up and execute a PMO maturity assessment so that
This is part 4 in the series of posts about how to complete a PMO Maturity Assessment so as to identify areas of improvement for your PMO. The objective being
This is the 3rd post in the the 4 part series that is covering the concept of PMO maturity. The previous posts being:
Understand the current maturity of your PMOGuide to
This is the 2nd post in the 4 part series covering the steps involved in measuring and improving the maturity of your PMO.
The last post covered Understanding the current level