0CommentsThe Benefits of Having a Project Prioritisation ProcessA simple guide to the benefits of having a Project Prioritisation Process as part of your organisation.
0CommentsRemote Project Management: SchedulingRemote Project Management: A guide to how to schedule work remotely (including different tools that you can use) with teams working from home (WFH)
0CommentsRemote Project Management: Managing WorkflowsRemote Project Management: A guide to using workflows and tools to managing workflow between remote project team members.
0CommentsGuide to Earned Value ManagementGuide to Earned Value Management of projects so that you can determine how well they are performing. Includes simple examples.
0CommentsValue Stream Mapping (VSM)An overview of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) including the 7 steps in creating a VSM. There is also advice on the benefits and potential pitfalls.
0CommentsFailure mode and effect analysisOverview of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis methodology to identify issues at the design phase of a project so that they can be corrected.
0CommentsAnalysis Tools: Effect and Cause AnalysisRoot Cause Analysis Tools: Using the Cause and Effect method to understand complex problems so that action plans can be devised.
0CommentsRoot Cause Analysis Tools: The 5 Why’sOverview of the "5 Why's" approach for root cause analysis. A fast and simple technique before detailed analysis. Includes a simple example.
0CommentsAgile: Overview of Sprint Review MeetingThis article provides an overview of the Agile Sprint Review Meeting that is held at the end of each Agile Sprint.
0CommentsHistory of Agile Project Management (and the Agile Manifesto)A brief overview on the history of Agile Project Management as well as the core principles of the Agile Manifesto.