The 12 Agile Principles

12 Agile Principles

An overview of the 12 Agile Principles that build upon the four themes of the Agile Manifesto. Simple to follow guide.
Overview of lean project management

Overview of Lean Project Management

Lean project management originated in Japan with Toyota, who developed the Toyota Production System. Like many project management methods, it was developed for use on the manufacturing floor; however, it is now
Tips for project time management

Tips for project time management

Time management is defined as making the most of the time available. It is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a project, and one of the most difficult to get
Overview of the SWOT analysis process

Overview of SWOT Analysis process

Following on from the article, Overview Six Sigma Project Management.  This mentioned using SWOT Analysis as part of strategic planning. This article will provide an overview of the SWOT analysis process and how it

Overview six sigma project management

What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a methodology which aims to improve output quality and eliminate defects from the production process. It was initially developed by Bill Smith, an Engineer at Motorola