0CommentsDoes my PMO Need a Project Manager or a Product Manager?A useful guide to decide if your Project Management Office (PMO) needs a Project Manager or a Product Manager?
0CommentsProject Manager vs Product Manager: What’s the Difference?Agile Project Management: What is the difference between a Project Manager V Product Manager?
0CommentsNew resource: Agile Daily Project Journal – Digital EditionInformation on the range of Digital Agile Daily Project Journals, an official resource by pmmajik.com to help with the management of your Agile Project.
0CommentsLaunch: Agile Planner (featuring diary, schedule and planner)The Agile Daily Project Journal, offical resource by pmmajik.com - an Agile Planner to guide and support all of your Agile activities.
0CommentsLaunch: Agile Template Framework including TemplatesLaunch of the Agile Template Framework by pmmajik.com. Complete set of guides, templates, and video tutorials to implement an Agile approach.
0Comments5 Challenges of the Scrum FrameworkThis guide reveals the 5 challenges you need to understand when using the Scrum Framework to deliver your project.
0CommentsThe advantages of using the Scrum frameworkA guide to the advantages using the Scrum Framework to deliver your projects.
0CommentsWhat does a Scrum project look like?A simple guide to what a Scrum Project looks like (including 5 core processes and routines).
0CommentsWhat are the roles needed in a Scrum Project Team?A guide to the roles that you need when creating a Scrum Team for the execution of your project.
0CommentsWhat are the difficulties faced in an organisation moving from Waterfall to Scrum?A quick guide to the challenges faced when your organisation moves from waterfall to scrum project management.