When I decided to share the knowledge I had gained over the past 25+ years, setting up Project Management Offices (PMO’s), this led me to write the PMO Manual.
The aim was to provide a practical, simple to follow guide for both beginners and those with many years experience.
The PMO Manual has proven a popular resource for many project and PMO professionals all over the globe.
Section 3 of the PMO Manual outlines a 4 week approach for implementing the core tools and processes of a PMO. For each week, all of the tasks and activities are listed so that they can be followed.
The book comes in the form of a checklist. However, over the years I have had a number of requests if the PMO Mobilisation checklist was available in different formats to track progress.
The answer has been “no”, meaning that each task had to be typed or written by hand into the preferred tracking format.
This takes time and there is a risk that a mistake could be made or an important task missed.
However, if the question was asked today, the answer would be “YES”!
Today I am pleased to announce the launch of a brand new resource to help save your most valuable commodity – time.
Introducing the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack
A brand new official resource from pmmajik.com, designed to complement the PMO Manual and assist the fast track set-up of a PMO.
What is the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack?
It consists of 3 different resources to help track the mobilisation activities of your PMO, using the 4-week plan as outlined in Section 3 of the PMO Manual.
1. Workbook

The Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack has been designed as the perfect, portable companion to Section 3 of the PMO Manual.
It contains all of the tasks and activities that need to be completed to design and implement a PMO following the 4-week approach outlined in the PMO Manual.
The tasks and activities are organised by week. So all you need to do is tick off each activity using the checklist as they are completed.
Great to slip in the back of your notebook or journal. Plus it means that you do not have to mark your copy of the PMO Manual.
2. Trello Board Template
Many Change Professionals make use of the Trello application to manage activities.
This is a great tool as it allows you to set-up Kanban Boards, add cards with activities and then track progress.
The Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack: Trello Board, is a board that comes with 5 cards, each prepopulated with the tasks and activities outlined in section 3 of the PMO Manual.
All you need to do is click the special link and create a board from the template. Then you can make use of the power of Trello to assign owners, due dates and track progress.
Note: you will need to have an active Trello account to use this template. However, Trello currently allows you to set-up free accounts.
3. MS Project Template
Microsoft Project is still one of the core tools used by project and PMO professionals to create plans and track progress.
As part of the pack, you will receive a MS Project template that has been pre-populated with the tasks and activities as detailed in Section 3 of the PMO Manual.
All you need to do is download and open the template. Assign resources and dates. Add dependencies if you want, and you have your plan to execute.
This means that you can then make use of MS Project to create reports and Gantt charts of your plan.
A column has been added to indicate what week of the mobilisation a particular activity belongs to. This means you can use this as filter to just see the activities that should be completed in a given week.
The cells in the week column have been colour coded to match the colours used on the Trello Board template. Very useful if you want to use more than one method to track progress.
Does it include user guides & video tutorials?
Yes. The Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack comes with user guides that you can download to make notes.
There is a video dedicated to each of the resources in the pack.

How much is the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack?
The value of the pack is $27. This is a very small investment when you consider the time this will save you and the results it will help deliver.
However, the pack is not available to purchase as a standalone product. This is mainly due to the fact that you really need the PMO manual to realise the full benefit.
What I am pleased to announce is that you can gain access to this resource simply by purchasing the PMO Manual. When you do you get access to a number of resources including:
- PMO Manual (all formats worth $81)
- Mega Project Template Pack (value $37)
- Bonus Templates
- Bonus Presentations
- Bonus Videos
- Finally, the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack (value $37)
So for a very low investment, you gain access to resources worth much more.
How do I access the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack?
The framework is a premium resource that is available with all active ESSENTIAL, PRO and MASTER level membership within the PM Majik Member’s Area.
Good news for existing PMMAJIK Member’s
If you have already made the smart decision to invest in an ESSENTIAL, PRO or MASTER level membership and are still an active member, good news – you already have full access to this new resource.
All you need to do is log in to your Member’s Dashboard and you will be able to access the full framework and download the resources right now.
What if I am not a member yet?
You can find out more about the Membership options and benefits, by visiting www.pmmajik.com/members/
Remember, the Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack is available with all levels of membership: ESSENTIAL, PRO and MASTER.