Have you ever spent days (or even weeks) planning a Project or PMO Workshop to achieve an important outcome?
Worked out the structure. Sent out the invites. Booked the room. Prepared the material!
The day of the workshop
The day of the workshop has arrived. You get into the office early. Prep the room and your are ready.
As the clock gets closer to the start time, you can’t help feeling excited as you are sure that it is going to be a great experience for all.
The attendees start to arrive. Grab a coffee (or tea if you are in the UK) and start to mix.
The time has finally come. You raise to your feet and you start…..
“Welcome to the workshop to project workshop to <INSERT IMPORTANT REASON>”
As you move to the first topic on the agenda and open the floor…………………SILENCE.
You continue to talk and raise opening questions to prompt engagement…………STILL SILENCE.
This will be tough to recover from. It will mean a waste of productivity as people would have given up time to attend. Even worse it could reflect badly on you!
What is the answer?
Actually it is quite simple. Make sure that you include icebreakers as part of your workshop.
I am sure that you have attended workshops or seminars and the facilitator has done some simple 5 – 10 minute activity at the start to get the attendees engaging and talking. This is an icebreaker.
But I don’t know how to organise an icebreaker
Icebreaker activities do not need to be complicated, in fact the easier to do the better. All you need to do is think before the meeting about the audience, what the workshop is looking to achieve and then choose an icebreaker that can compliment and oil the wheels.
But I don’t know any icebreakers
This can be a challenge. That is why I am pleased to announce the launch of a new official PMMAJIK.COM resource.
Introducing the Project & PMO Workshop Icebreakers Book: 27 ready to go icebreakers that require minimal set-up.
What is the Project & PMO Workshop Icebreakers?
It is a handy 67 page book containing 27 icebreaker activities that require minimal set-up. Each icebreakers is structured by:
- Purpose
- Materials Required
- Preparation
- Activity
How to use the guide?
Very simple. Browse the index to see what icebreaker sounds a good fit. Go to the icebreaker using the menu link or clear page numbering. Read the activity and execute.
What format is the guide?
The guide is currently available as ebook and ePub. Therefore, you need to be able to download the guide to a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone that supports PDF or to a device that supports ePub (like Kindle reader or iPad).
Can I get a printed version?
While there is not currently a printed version, if there is sufficient demand this will be made available as a printed version through book stores.
You can print a copy of the PDF version by using your own printer.
How do I get access?
As part of my commitment to continually add value to the PM Majik Member’s, the ebook and ePub is going to be made available to all membership levels:
Simply login to the Member’s Dashboard and you will see the link within the ESSENTIAL section of the dashboard.
Note: you must have an active membership to access the resource. You cannot access the guide if you have not renewed your membership.
How do I become a member?
If you wish to access the Project Management Terms Guide and other great resources, simply visit the members area and choose the level of membership you require.
Upon completion of the secure online payment you will receive instant access. Remember all membership levels are backed by the 100% full money back guarantee for the first 30 days.
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Don’t ever worry about awkward silence in a workshop (or even meeting) again. Use the Project & PMO Workshop Icebreakers book as your quick guide to have an activity (or two) up your sleeve when you need it.