Do you get confused by the different terms that are used by project and change professionals?
Does it feel like there is a “secret language” of project management terms that only true change professionals know?
Are you worried to ask what they mean during a meeting as you do not want to look silly?
Well if you do, then don’t worry – probably half of the people in the meeting do not know what they mean!
Be brave
This is the best advice, if somebody uses a project term or acronym you do not understand, do not be afraid to ask what it means.
Now you do need to apply a little common sense. For example, maybe you can wait to the end of the meeting and then ask a colleague in a 1:1 situation.
However, there is no reason not to ask in the meeting.
Make sure you listen
If you do ask and you are told the meaning of the term, then it is really important that you listen and remember the information.
While you can ask about a term once, maybe twice. If you consistently ask for the definition of the same term, then this will not look good.
Other sources
Another good source of information is research.
The Internet is a powerful tool that has the answer to most questions. Therefore, you can look up any project terms that you do not understand in order to learn.
The same applies to videos and books.
This brings me to an important announcement……the launch of the Project Management Terms Guide.

What is the Project Management Terms Guide?
It is a handy guide of popular project management terms, listed in an easy to use alphabetical guide.
How to use the guide?
Very simple. Go to the section that contains the term and look up the definition.
What format is the guide?
The guide is currently available as an ebook. Therefore, you need to be able to download the guide to a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone that supports PDF.
Can I get a printed version?
While there is not currently a printed version, if there is sufficient demand this will be made available as a printed version through book stores.
You can print a copy of the PDF version by using your own printer.
How do I get access?
As part of my commitment to continually add value to the PM Majik Member’s, the ebook is going to be made available to all membership levels:
Simply login to the Member’s Dashboard and you will see the link within the ESSENTIAL section of the dashboard.
Note: you must have an active membership to access the resource. You cannot access the guide if you have not renewed your membership.
How do I become a member?
If you wish to access the Project Management Terms Guide and other great resources, simply visit the members area and choose the level of membership you require.
Upon completion of the secure online payment you will receive instant access. Remember all membership levels are backed by the 100% full money back guarantee for the first 30 days.
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Project management terms are confusing. This guide can be your answer to understanding the secret language.