Guide to rapid PMO mobilization

Rapid PMO Mobilisation

The mobilisation of a PMO can appear daunting, especially if you organisation does not have an established PMO methodology and you have not set one up before. The objective of

Stakeholder analysis template

It is fair to say that an important factor to the success or failure of a project is the behaviour of stakeholders. Therefore, it is important to ensure that project
How to stop your PMO failing

How to stop your PMO failing

The last post, Indicators that a PMO is Failing, covered themes to watch out for that your PMO may be starting to fail.  This post will provide some thoughts on
The 5 reasons why a PMO can fail

5 reasons why PMO’s fail

Many organisations now run an annual change budget.  This means that it is very common for the majority of change projects to mobilise in the first quarter (Q1) of the
Reviewing PMO RAG level guidance on tablet

PMO RAG status levels

It is expected that every project will report progress and status on a regular basis.  The reason for this being that the sponsor and other stakeholders want the comfort of
A fristrated PMO manager slumped on laptop

PMO frustrations

Following on from the last blog that covered dealing with difficult project managers, it is topical to spend some time considering PMO frustrations.  Followed by some thoughts around the reason