Over the past 5 years this website has strived to provide thoughtful and insightful project management articles from leading practioner’s in their field, such as Elizabeth Harrin of A Girl’s Guide to Project Management. Now the time has come to start a new chapter still following the ethos of providing project management articles that provide benefit and value to project management professionals of all levels.
Project management has continued to develop and mature in all areas – innovative approach, agile delivery, lean, tools and processes. Some ideas and concepts genuinely move forward the art of project management, others are more appropriate for the class room and academic study.
Since the global recession of 2008, every organisation is looking to do more with less. Return on investment has become a key indicator. Not just the classic “pitch high and forget” in order to secure project funding. Now sponsors are being held accountable for delivering the benefits within their business case to ensure the benefits are realised and the ROI achieved.
This drive to ensure that projects are delivered and benefits realised has meant that many organisations have taken the decision to build project management offices (PMO’s). The rationale being that the PMO will provide robust governance, tools and processes to ensure that the correct projects are selected, mobilised quickly, executed with rigour and the benefits realised.
These are exciting times for change professionals but only those who are prepared to adapt to the changing environment. Therefore, it is important for every project manager to constantly be on a journey of continuous improvement and not just see the 3 year renewal cycles of Project Development Unit’s (PDU’s) as a tick box exercise (choose training that will add and expand your skills).
So against this backdrop, this blog will provide regular updates over the coming months and years. If you would like to contribute an article that would benefit the community, please visit the Contribute page.
Wishing you success in your project management endeavors.