Time is a scarce commodity for project managers, PMO managers well just about most people. It can be very time consuming (and extremely frustrating) searching for information or files that you know you have got but just can’t remember where. This post covers 2 applications that can help with PMO productivity.
Add to this the pain when you are at work, traveling or on business when there is a sudden need for a template or presentation that you need but it is stored on your computer at home or in the office. You have to wait until you get back to that PC before you can access what you need – yet more wasted time.
This is where the advances in technology are truly helpful meaning that you can access the Internet almost anywhere – PC with wifi or 4G dongle, iPad, Kindle, smart phone. Even better there are some smart people out there who have developed some great web or app based software to help solve these problems.
This post shares details of a couple of solutions really can save time and, best of all, have free versions.
If you work between multiple devices (PC, iPhone, iPad, etc), you will know it is a pain having to make sure you have the most up to date file, document, picture, etc on the device you are using.
Installing Dropbox on all devices will enable any file in the Dropbox folder to sync between all devices. This is a great time saver.
Even better, it is smart enough to work out the latest version. You can work on a document at home. Then, when you access the same file on your laptop, it will automatically work out and sync the latest version. A big help with version control.
You can also use Dropbox to share documents with colleagues. Great if you are working on a shared project that needs collaborative work.
A great tip is to use Dropbox to store project templates and resources. This means that if ever you need a particular template, it does not matter where you are in the world, as long as you have an internet connection, you can access the resources saving on lost time.
The application is free with 2gb of storage. Visit the Dropbox website for more details. Note: if you store a lot of files, be mindful of data charges if syncing using mobile data.
Do you write lots of notes on pieces of paper and then lose them. Evernote can be installed on computers and mobile devices and allows you quickly to make notes, capture pictures, articles, etc that are then stored and synced.
Evernote is very useful for keeping a record of the logins and passwords to different websites that you use. Again another great free resource. Visit the Evernote website for more details.
What saves you time?
If you have any great online or app based solutions that save you time, especially with project management and PMO activities, please send through the details so that they can be shared with the PM Majik community.