- Does your PMO define process for project managers to follow?
- Does your PMO issue templates to be completed?
- Does your PMO issue timetables of what should be done by when?
Hopefully, in some shape or form you can answer yes and that is good. Now for a really important question for making sure that they are adopted and embedded:
Does your PMO follow the processes that have been defined? Take a little time to think about this. Do you really embrace and daily demonstrate the behaviours of what the PMO is trying to achieve and lead from example or, do you suffer from the classic ‘cobblers children’s shoes’? Just in case you have not heard that one, what it means is that the cobbler is so busy mending all of his (or her) customers shoes that there is no time to mend the shoes of the children.
Putting this into context of your PMO, are you (and the team) too busy worrying about what is being done by all of the projects that you are neglecting what and how you should be doing the work of the PMO? Meaning you are not following good practice.
So why is this important?
A good question. There are 2 reasons why this is important:
- How can you get tough with project managers for non-compliance when, you as the PMO does not practice what you preach? Very difficult position and the project manager has every right not to take your requests seriously.
- The reason for putting processes and templates in place should be for a good reason, usually to improve quality, make sure tasks are not missed, early risk / issue identification, etc all with the objective to improve outcomes.
There are many other good reasons but the above, are the really important ones!
In summary
The PMO should lead by example, make sure that all of the PMO are following the defined processes and act in a way to be fully supportive (especially when engaging with project teams). It is very important as it can be extremely destructive when team members have discussions or make statements that show they are not supportive of the tools and processes. This can lead to know one following them. So make sure that all of the members of the PMO team demonstrate the right behaviours.