I am pleased to announce that as the ongoing commitment to adding value, a new resource has been added to the PM Majik Member’s area – Quick Guide to Project Management.  The resource is available to all member’s at no additional cost.

What is Quick Guide to Project Management?

The resource consists of:

6 Training Videos

Course ebook

Course Workbook

Project Plan Template

Project Charter Template


The course provides a start to finish guide focusing on small to medium projects for small businesses (or teams).  However, there are hints and tips that will benefit more experienced project practioners.

What does the resource cover?

The resource provides an overview of a simplified approach to project management using practical examples to reinforce the training.

The 6 part course covers:

1. Introduction

2. Overview

3. Planning

4. Implementation

5. Closure

6. Course Conclusion

Each of the videos are supported with the appropriate templates that you can download an use.


Course Book – a 35 page that provides more detailed information of the project management process.

Workbook – this contains templates that you can complete as progress through the course.

Presentation – 57 page presentation of the slides used within the training videos.

Project Plan Template – Excel workbook to allow you to create a project plan.

Project Charter Template – Word template that can be populated to create a project charter.

Project Template – useful checklist to use as a useful reminder when creating and managing your project.

Project Tools – simple guide of popular tools to help manage your project.

How to get access to the resource?

If you are already a member of the PM Majik Member’s area, I have good news, you already have access and all you need to do is login to your account and you will be able to access the resource and downloads from your dashboard.

This means everyone who has purchased the PMO Manual, entry level right up to the MASTER Package can access the resource for free.

If you are not a member yet, you can gain access to this resource by becoiming a member through the purchase of any of the premium resources in the PM Majik Member’s Area.


If you have any questions or ideas for what resources you would like to see in the Member’s Area, please simply send an email.

To your success.

PM Majik