The recent post Overview of Project Initiation Document (PID) provided a high level understanding of the PID including what it is?, why it is used? and what should be included?
Over the next couple of posts I want to cover the topic of project initiation.
It is good practice for an organisation to have a structured mechanism for the proposal and
Following on the recent posts covering the topic of PMO Standardisation - a popular topic requested by many of the PM Majik community. This post aims to provide practical ideas
In the artcile "What is the number 1 PMO tool?", I covered why it was the "people" who were the most important tool for a project. Without people nothing would
Over the past couple of articles, the focus has been on the actions that can be taken to prepare budgets and be ready for the coming project year.
This is important
A Project Management Office, will invest a lot of time and effort creating standardised templates and processes.
The reason being that this should help improve the quality and consistency of how
Over the last 3 posts, the topic of capturing and mobilising a Project Book of Work have been covered. To conclude this series, I am pleased to announce that this
The last posts covered an Overview of a Project Book of Work and how to Capture the Projects for a Book of Work. So following these steps will mean that