Planning Framework
Find out how to save time and effort developing an agreed project or programme plan with a proven Planning framework, available at a click of a button today!
For a project to be a success, it is important that everyone knows what activity to complete, in what order and by when! This is achieved by the project team developing a sensible project plan that is fully supported by all stakeholders.
Unfortunately developing a plan that is fully supported can be a challenge, often leading to a very "light" or even no plan to be developed with the project team kidding them self that just because they are "doing stuff", that the project will deliver.
This is like going to the casino and placing all your chips on a number and hoping the ball will stop in that slot when the wheel stops turning....
The Solution:
Planning Framework

What is in the Planning Framework?
Complete Framework
The Planning Framework provides a step by step guide to planning and running an effective planning workshop together with the post workshop activities.
The guide covers each of these steps in 3 clear sections. It also includes a number of pictures of the resources used in the workshop so as to provide absolute clarity what each looks like. This is very important as it takes away any guess work or interpretation.
"The Planning Guide provides step by step instructions with helpful pictures and diagrams that you simply have to follow"

Planning Workshop Briefing Pack
Ensure all attendees have the relevant information about the approach, objectives and known information so they know what are the desired outcomes.
To give the planning session the best chance of success, you must make sure that all attendees having a clear understanding of how the session will work and, what is expected from them. This will ensure they prepare ahead of the meeting and you don't end up with too many "I need to take that action away".
This is achieved by preparing a simple pack that outlines the:
• Objectives / goals of the session
• Agenda
• Attendees
• Background
• Approach
• Known assumptions
• Key milestones (if this is available ahead of the session this really helps)
This serves to educate the attendees, allows them to ask questions, clarify items and consider what they need to deliver so they are ready to develop a plan. This means that everyone should be ready to start the workshop without spending too much time explaining the approach.
Planning Templates
You will receive all of the templates to set-up and run a Planning Workshop:
• Briefing Pack
• Attendees Template
• Milestones Template
• Meeting Checklist
• Timeline Template
• RAIDs Template
• Car Park Template
Remember the framework uses the same format as the other frameworks so you have the same look and feel and avoid the need to rekey data!

Video Tutorials and Full e-mail Support
You will receive access to video tutorials that provide an overview of the Planning Framework and how to use the Briefing pack and supporting templates.
You also will have access to full e-mail support.
This is a complete toolkit that will allow you to quickly set up and run a Planning workshop that will assist in the production of an agreed plan!
I am enjoying your excellent material and templates, and following to establish the first-ever PMO office in my company. I admit that with your templates and instructions you have saved me tons of hours...
The PMO Planning Frmework provides a proven approach to designing and holding a Project Planning Workshop that will result in the rapid development of a plan. Best of all, the stakeholder participation will mean that you should have complete buy-in to the final plan!
Become a MASTER Level Member Today To Get Access To All The Premium Frameworks Including The PMO Planning Framework!
- PMO Template Framework
- Quality Assurance Template Framework
- Metrics Framework
- Planning Workshop Framework
- Mobilization Heatmap
- PMO Manual
- PMO Maturity Assessment Framework
- Gantt Chart Maker
- PMO Recruitment Framework
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- Video Tutorials
- Instant access and download
- Mega Project Template Pack 1
- PMO Change Control Framework
- Agile Template Framework
- Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack
- Agile Daily Project Planner
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