Gantt Chart Maker

Available in the PRO and MASTER memberships
- Gantt Chart Maker tool
- Gantt Maker Guide
- Video Tutorials
- Full e-mail support
- Secure Order Form
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Value $67
Find out how to save time and effort with a proven Gantt Chart Maker tool that is available at a click of a button today!
Gantt charts have been one of the corner stones of planning and representing activities for over 100 years!
Unfortunately, many of the tools used to create Gantt charts have a steep learning curve and can be very expensive. This can be a challenge to progress when you want to save time and / or your organisation has not invested in the software!
The Solution:
Gantt Chart Maker Tool
The Gantt Chart Maker is a powerful but simple to use tool that allows you to quickly:
• Set-up a Gantt chart
• Enter tasks and activities and group by category
• Define working days and non working days (holidays)
• Customise colours
• Quickly switch between daily, weekly and monthly views
• Create the Gantt chart at a click of a button
• Export the Gantt to PDF
• And much more......

What is in the Gantt Chart Maker?
Gantt Chart Maker Tool
The Gantt Chart Maker has been designed so that a project can be quickly set-up, data entered and then a Gantt to be produced.
The clever tool is feature rich and, as it utilises MS Excel, does not require any additional expensive software. This means that once you have downloaded the tool you are ready to go. Plus by using Excel, users are already used to how to enter data!

Gantt Chart Maker Guide
The practical, easy to follow guide provides you with all the information you need to quickly understand and use the Gantt Chart Maker tool
The guide icovers:
Dashboard Settings
- Tasks / Sub Tasks
- Sorting
- Auto Sub Totals
- Categories & Automatic Colouring
- Duration and Force Start Days
- Bold and Indent Tasks
- Progress
Chart View
- Daily / Weekly / Monthly View
- Report Depth
- Holidays and Non-working Days
- Show / Hide Holidays
Video Tutorials
Quickly learn how to use and implement the Gantt Chart Maker through the dedicated training videos.
If you have a question, you have full email support.

This is a complete toolkit that will allow you to quickly create useful project Gantt charts and much more using a professional tool that is simple to use.
I am enjoying your excellent material and templates, and following to establish the first-ever PMO office in my company. I admit that with your templates and instructions you have saved me tons of hours...

value $67
- Gantt Chart Maker tool
- Gantt Maker Guide
- Video Tutorials
- Full e-mail support
- Secure Order Form
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
So what level of Member do you want to be?

Special Offer $943 $177
- PMO Template Framework
- Mobilization Heatmap
- PMO Manual
- PMO Maturity Assessment Framework
- Gantt Chart Maker
- PMO Recruitmewnt Framework
- Bonus Project Management Book
- Bonus Templates
- Bonus Presentations
- Bonus Videos
- 1 year access & support
- Year 2+ access & support only $37 pa
- Video Tutorials
- 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
- PMO Recruitment Framework
- Mega Project Template Pack 1
- PMO Project Change Control Framework
- Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack
- Agile Daily Project Planner

Special Offer $1,331 $247
- PMO Template Framework
- Quality Assurance Template Framework
- Metrics Framework
- Planning Workshop Framework
- Mobilization Heatmap
- PMO Manual
- PMO Maturity Assessment Framework
- Gantt Chart Maker
- PMO Recruitment Framework
- Bonus Project Management Book
- Bonus Templates
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus Presentations
- 1 year access & support
- Year 2+ access & support only $37 per annum
- Video Tutorials
- PMO Recruitment Framework
- Mega Project Management Template Pack 1
- PMO Project Change Control Framework
- Agile Template Framework
- Rapid PMO Mobilisation Pack
- Agile Daily Project Planner
100% Money Back Guarantee
I am confident that the resources will provide you with the information you need that, if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the resources, contact me with the first 30 days and I will provide you with a full refund.